E-Safety Policy

“Children love using technology and are learning to navigate websites, online games and consoles, and touch screen technology like tablets and smartphones from a younger and younger age” (Childnet International, UK Safer Internet Centre, 2016).

The Old Fire Station Nursery has a commitment to keeping children and staff safe and healthy and the E-Safety policy operates at all times under the umbrella of the Safeguarding Policy.


To begin the learning process with children and staff on how to be e-safe, to recognise when information or material is inappropriate or makes them feel uncomfortable and how to ask for help.

Computer and Internet Use

At The Old Fire Station Nursery all of the computer systems are owned by the setting and have appropriate protection and software to ensure safe internet use. Within the setting there are two computers and one laptop. The laptop and one of the computers are kept in the office, only management have access to these. Both of these technology devices are password protected. The other computer is located in the preschool room, which does not have internet access.

If staff discover unsuitable sites have been accessed on the any of the nursery devices, they must report their findings to a member of management immediately so that filters can be reviewed.

The nursery reserves the right to examine or delete any files that may be held on its system or to monitor any internet sites visited. Activity that is found to be unsuitable or that attacks or corrupts other systems is forbidden.

When using the setting’s computers it is important to remember the following:

  • Use for gambling is forbidden.
  • Copyright of materials must be respected.
  • Use of the computer system to access inappropriate materials such as pornographic, racist or offensive material is forbidden.
  • The work email account can only be accessed on the Nursery computer and laptop by a member of management.
  • Social networking sites will not be accessed during work hours.

Parents/Carers and E-Safety 

Regular information should be provided to parents and carers about how to ensure they can work with their children to ensure resources are used appropriately. A partnership approach with parents and carers should be encouraged. This could include awareness-raising through newsletters, leaflets and suggestions for safe internet use at home. Advice on filtering systems, educational and leisure activities that include responsible use of the internet should be made available to parents.  Interested parents should be referred to organisations such as CEOP, Childnet International, PIN7, Parents Online and NCH Action for Children.